Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, Liaoning, CN
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Address: 217 Jianshan St., Shahekou, Dalian, Liaoning, CN
Email: dfeng@msri.org

Welcome!. I'm Di FENG (to save your time, you may simply call me D). I obtianed my Ph.D. in Economics from HEC Lausanne, where I was fortunate to be advised by my doktormutter, Prof. Bettina Klaus.

Currently, I am an Assistant Professor in the Finance Department at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE). I am also a Junior Research Fellow at Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University. Prior to it, I

Research Interests. I am interested in anything related to Microeconomics Theory.
  • Topics that I have been looking at recently include: Market Design, Financial Economics, and Experimental Economics .
  • Topics that I may be looking at in the future include: Education Policy, Public Economics, and Information Design .

Latest News.
  • My coauthor Yun Liu will present our work at WINE 2024 (December, Edinburgh).
  • My coauthor Jacob Coreno will go to the market this year! If you want to hire a theoriest, he is the person you should consider.
  • I will be presenting at the following conferences/workshops.
    1. Hunan university (seminar talk)


Non-linked papers are also available upon request. Feel free to send me an e-mail.

Preprints & Working Papers

Journal Papers (refereed)

Conference Papers (refereed)

​Selected Works in Progress

  • No paper in this category, period

Inactive Papers


U:=undergraduate, G:=graduate, H:=honors program

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics / 东北财经大学 (instructor):

  • Futures, Options, and other derivatives (H, 2024-)
  • Financial Econometrics (H, 2024-)

University of Lausanne / Université de Lausanne (teaching assistant):

  • Game Theory (G, 2019-2023)
  • Microeconomics 2 (U, 2018-2023)
  • Market Design (U, 2020)

Yokohama National University / 横浜国立大学 (teaching assistant):

  • Microeconomics 2 (G, 2016)
  • Microeconomics (U, 2016)
  • Mathematical Economics (G, 2015)
  • Game Theory (U, 2015)

Grants & Awards

- 2023, Best Faculty PhD Thesis Award (Prix 2023 de Faculté), HEC Lausanne

- 2023, SING Best Student Paper Prize, 18th European Meeting on Game Theory

- 2023, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath)

- 2022, Kanematsu Prize, Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration (RIEB), Kobe University

- 2020-2023, Member of Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Project 100018_192583 (principal investigator: Bettina Klaus)

- 2016, BGSE Severo Ochoa Fellowship, Barcelona School of Economics

- 2012, JASSO Honors Scholarship, Japan Student Services Organization


Journal Reviewer



My Erdős Number is 4: Paul Erdős → László Á. Kóczy → Alexandru Nichifor → Bettina Klaus → me



  • Q: Why Do We Need Math in Research?
  • A (by David Hilbert): Alles, was Gegenstand des wissenschaftlichen Denkens überhaupt sein kann, verfällt, sobald es zur Bildung einer Theorie reif ist, der axiomatischen Methode und damit mittelbar der Mathematik. Durch Vordringen zu immer tieferliegender Schichten von Axiomen im vorhin dargelegten Sinne gewinnen wir auch in das Wesen des wissenschaftlichen Denkens selbst immer tiefere Einblicke und werden uns der Einheit unseres Wissens immer mehr bewußt. In dem Zeichen der axiomatischen Methode erscheint die Mathematik berufen zu einer führenden Rolle in der Wissenschaft überhaupt.
  • Translation by GPT: Everything, which may possibly be subject to scientific thought, as soon as it is ready for the development of a theory, comes within the scope of the axiomatic method and thus becomes treatable by means of mathematics. By advancing to ever deeper layers of axioms in the sense explained above, we also gain deeper insights into the nature of scientific thinking itself and become increasingly aware of the unity of our knowledge. In the guise of the axiomatic method, mathematics appears to be destined for a leading role in science as a whole.