Welcome!. I'm Di FENG (to save your time, you may simply call me D). I obtianed my Ph.D. in Economics from HEC Lausanne, where I was fortunate to be advised by my doktormutter, Prof. Bettina Klaus.
Currently, I am an Assistant Professor in the Finance Department at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE). I am also a Junior Research Fellow at Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University. Prior to it, I
Non-linked papers are also available upon request. Feel free to send me an e-mail.
- 2023, Best Faculty PhD Thesis Award (Prix 2023 de Faculté), HEC Lausanne
- 2023, SING Best Student Paper Prize, 18th European Meeting on Game Theory
- 2023, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath)
- 2022, Kanematsu Prize, Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration (RIEB), Kobe University
- 2020-2023, Member of Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Project 100018_192583 (principal investigator: Bettina Klaus)
- 2016, BGSE Severo Ochoa Fellowship, Barcelona School of Economics
- 2012, JASSO Honors Scholarship, Japan Student Services Organization